Here's a heap of more photos.
Things are coming along. The kitchen is just about done. Just need the stove top to be installed, the top part of the rangehood to be put on, us to put in the microwave with the in built surrounding and the fridge. (those 2 things will be after we move in tho). The fridge/freezer will be a 2 door side by side Omega stainless steel. One thing we regret now is not getting the caesarstone mitred drop down edges for the island bench. It kinda looks a bit crap seeing the sides and the 2 colours where they join so we think we are going to see if we can get the drop down caesarstone edges added to it. If not we will probably get this benchtop taken off and cut up to use in the laundry as benches then get a whole new caesarstone benchtop with the drop down edges. It's no good not being happy with it. It does look ok as is...but it could be alot better doing it how we want it. You can see now they have put the edging around the tiles around the kitchen bench window which looks much better now.
The electricians are just about finished...(in these photos that is) by now they have finished completely. Missing bits from these photos are the bar spotlights above the kitchen island bench and the wall lights going up the staircase. They also hadn't put in the entry foyer fancy pendant light or the garage light. You can see in these photos all the downlights + the square room lights. All the power points TV and phone points done and the smoke detectors with their red plastic covers on for now. I assume they also have the spa oven and rangehood wired in.
The bathrooms and toilets are all finished also and I think look really good...apart from very dirty and messy. Well actually the whole house looks like a tip but that will all be cleaned up on the 10th feb.
Handover should be on the 10th March and we will get the tiler in to do the rest of the flooring as well as the carpets, driveway, blinds shutters and fencing as soon as possible after getting the keys. We have just paid for a brand new King bed suite and mattress and have chosen the dining table/chairs a few coffee tables and found another lounge we like so that is all organised once the flooring is done.
Very exciting time over the next few months.
I think we have very similar tastes! The kitchen splashback looks amazing. We've both gone for the white kitchen with light stone benchtops, dark splashback, dark tiled floors in the bathrooms, big white wall tiles and mosaics in the bathroom too. . . and, though you don't know it yet. . . we've also both got white wall-hung vanities! YEAH!